Young Muslims Observe Ramadan

Anne Marie Angelo/Flickr
As of April 13, 2021, millions of Muslims across the world will be fasting from sun-up to sundown — starting their second Ramadan in the pandemic. For university students in particular, this may be the first Ramadan they will have to spend away from their immediate families. They are in the last stretch of the semester and — depending on their university’s in-person class policies — they may be unable to go home for fasting season.
The 21st spoke to two students from the University of Illinois' Underrepresented Muslim Minority Advocacy student organization to hear more about what fasting during a pandemic was like, being a young Muslim and tips to mitigate the struggles of being away from family during Ramadan.
Marihah Muhsinah, Vice President of University of Illinois' Underrepresented Muslim Minority Advocacy
Eman Zwawi, Member of University of Illinois' Underrepresented Muslim Minority Advocacy
Prepared for web by Zainab Qureshi
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