Afternoon at the Opera

Israel in Egypt

George Frideric Handel by Balthasar Denner

George Frideric Handel by Balthasar Denner. Balthasar Denner - National Portrait Gallery, Wikimedia Commons

To read a review from the Chicago Tribune from 2013 visit this page on the Music of the Baroque's website:

"Glover understood that Handel was, first and foremost, a man of the theater. Her shaping of the second and third parts, which depict the plagues visited on Egypt and Moses' hymn of praise following the Exodus, respectively, reflected a vivid and exacting attention to the text. The depiction of buzzing flies, hopping frogs and swarming locusts was nicely taken by the MOB strings. Glover adhered to the composer's own performance practice by omitting Part 1, "The Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph," thereby shaving about 45 minutes off an already long oratorio."