Classics of the Phonograph

The Outer Reach of Toscanini’s Repertory

Arturo Toscanini

Arturo Toscanini By Unknown (De Augostini Collection) - [1], Public Domain,

Arturo Toscanini's core repertory was the music of Brahms, Beethoven, and Wagner. In 20th century music, there were works which Toscanini performed, but they were sometimes the only music he performed by famous composers of the last century.

On this week's Classics of the Phonograph, Saturday at 11 am on WILL-FM, you can hear Toscanini's interpretations of music by Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, and Ravel.

Prokofiev"Classical" Symphony
Shostakovich | First Symphony, in Part
StravinskyPetroushka, in part
Ravel | Daphnis and Chloe, Suite No. 2