Full Circle


I started working as a WILL intern when I was a freshman two years ago and honestly can’t believe I have done work in three different project. I can still remember working on my project with four other girls three years ago. When I started as a WILL intern, I started on what we call the ‘pre-production’ aspects of the project. That normally included doing background research and going out to find the people we wanted to interview for the new radio documentary. Now as a third year intern, I’m getting the opportunity to do the ‘post-production’ aspects of this project. I’m especially excited to work on this project because I started with this project from the bare bones and now I get to see it come full circle into a completed and meaningful one-hour radio documentary.  Last year, I did four pre-interviews and when we were doing the initial reading of the transcripts, I realized that I was reading the transcript of one of the women I pre-interview. This was a truly meaningful moment because I got to know more about her, go deeper into her life story than I had before in the 45 minutes we shared chatting about random aspects of her life. I’m really excited to hear more of these incredible stories in their entirety and I can’t wait to see this project turn from a bunch of people’s life stories into a cohesive piece that moves us and tells us a story about what all these people have in common. 


More on The Right to Marry


Meet the people who produced this project

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