Mid-American Gardener

Mid-American Gardener: Other People’s Gardens


Welcome to Mid-American Gardener's new segment called "Other People's Gardens." Join host Tinisha Shade-Spain as she explores unique gardens throughout the central Illinois area. For this inaugural installment, Tinisha visits Roxanne Sawhill in Urbana, IL. Roxanne shows us that you do not need a lot of space to grow a lot of things.

Air Dates and Times

Channel Day Time
WILL-TV, Urbana Thursday 7 pm (live)
  Saturday 11 am (repeat)
WTVP-TV, Peoria Saturday 11:30 am
WEIU-TV, Charleston Sunday 1:30 pm
WSEC-TV, Springfield Saturday 11 am
WQEC-TV, Quincy Saturday 11 am
WMEC-TV, Macomb Saturday 11 am
Lakeshore PBS, Chicago/Northwest Indiana Friday 1 pm

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