Mid-American Gardener

Mid-American Gardener: passion flowers, smoke bushes, persimmons, and more


Special guest host Shane Cultra, guest panelists Mary Ann Metz, Jim Schuster and Chuck Voigt discuss passion flowers, smoke bushes, persimmons, tree fungus and cankers, cypress, climbing roses, maple trees and much more. Chuck Voigt shows a mint and a chocolate mint plant and explains the subtle differences between scents and growth patterns.

Air Dates and Times

Channel Day Time
WILL-TV, Urbana Thursday 7 pm (live)
  Saturday 11 am (repeat)
WTVP-TV, Peoria Saturday 11:30 am
WEIU-TV, Charleston Sunday 1:30 pm
WSEC-TV, Springfield Saturday 11 am
WQEC-TV, Quincy Saturday 11 am
WMEC-TV, Macomb Saturday 11 am
Lakeshore PBS, Chicago/Northwest Indiana Friday 1 pm

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November 2024 Episodes

We keep the show on the road this month with a trip to the U of I's Plant Conservatory.

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