Mid-American Gardener Podcast: Episode 5

Ella Maxwell and Victoria Shepherd in Studio A
We're on the fifth episode of the podcast, friends, and it's a fantastic one - Ella Maxwell, who's a master gardener, certified arborist, and frequent panelist on our TV show, joined host Victoria Shepherd in Studio A to talk about spring and to tackle some of the messages we’ve received in our voicemail inbox, including questions about pruning maple trees, getting rid of scale on magnolia trees, peony problems, and much more. Interested in just a smidge more audio? Check out a little outtake from this episode - Ella talks about her favorite flowers.
Also mentioned in this episode:
Author Tracy DiSabato, whose books are among Ella's favorites
Former MAG host Dianne Noland has written a couple of books - they're also among Ella's favorites. They're not currently widely available, but you can search for Perennials for the Landscape and Floriculture: From Greenhouse Production to Floral Design online - or put them on your library/used book shopping list!
We LOVE getting your questions! Please send your gardening inquiries for future TV programs or podcasts and/or feedback for this episode to yourgarden@gmail.com, or visit the Mid-American Gardener Facebook page and leave your comments/questions there. You can also leave us a voicemail at 217-300-8224 - we just might use the audio of your question on the air! No matter what, we'll make sure we route your questions and feedback to the producers, the TV panel, or the appropriate expert for a future show or podcast.
Thanks, as always, for listening!