Mid-American Gardener: The Podcast!

We're BEYOND excited to announce the launch of the long-awaited Mid-American Gardener podcast!
Part of Mid-American Gardener's mission is to reach as many people as possible about the joys of gardening in Zones 5 & 6. The TV program has done an excellent job of that for more than two decades, and the plan is for the show to continue down that same road for decades to come! But for the past few years, we've felt like there was something missing... something more we could do...
Enter audio. The Mid-American Gardener podcast is here to bring listeners in Illinois and all over the world even more of what they love - gardening information from experts and obsessives who want nothing more than to share their knowledge and experience that listeners can consume while they're out in the garden, in the car, or otherwise on the go. Each episode's runtime will be about 20 minutes. Listeners can listen right here at the website, either at a desktop or laptop or on your tablet/smartphone, and in the very near future, podcast episodes will also be available in the NPR One app, as well as in iTunes, Stitcher, and other podcast services.
In this debut episode, Dianne Noland visits Illinois Public Media's Studio A to talk with WILL's Victoria Shepherd. Dianne was with the TV show for over 25 years, most of those as its much-loved host. She's also been a University of Illinois horticulture instructor for many years, and her classes include perennials in the landscape, floral design, herbs, flower judging, and the business of floral design. In this episode, she and Victoria discuss forcing bulbs, managing an invasion of vine borers, best practices for holly bushes, and much more.
Have questions for future TV programs or podcasts? How about feedback for this episode? Please send them to yourgarden at gmail dot com, or visit the Facebook page and leave your comments/questions there. We'll route your questions and feedback to the producers, the TV panel, or the appropriate expert for a future show.
Thanks for joining us on this new adventure - we can't wait to bring you lots more Mid-American Gardener!