Mid-American Gardener

Spring Preparations and Garden Care: Q&A with the Dynamic Duo


It may still be winter, but that hasn’t stopped our viewers from thinking about spring gardening, and we got lots of questions sent in this past week. But not to worry! Karen and Ella are here to help you plan, learn, and give a little love to those problem plants.

Right now, you might be seeing lots of bulbs on clearance at some big box retailers. Karen says not to fall for the low prices, as the bulbs are most likely not viable at this point and will not produce flowers. It’s best to buy the fresh bulbs this spring.

Karen also shares “Wilt Proof,” an anti-desiccant for wintertime that helps outdoor broadleaf evergreen plants retain moisture and protect the plant. It’s getting to be time for reapplication!

Ella also teaches us how to revive orchids, and what do you know? Tea isn’t just a herbal remedy for us when we’re sick! It also helps orchids regrow aerial roots and rehydrates its leaves. Tune in to see just how Ella plans to bring her orchid back to full health. 

We also discuss the best focal points for large planters, brown spots on Chinese evergreens, tips for growing black raspberries, how to contain invasive pink anemone, and more winter sowing tricks.  

If there’s a question you’d like to ask one of our panelists, please send us an email at yourgarden@gmail.com com, or you can find us on Facebook and Instagram.


Air Dates and Times

Channel Day Time
WILL-TV, Urbana Thursday 7 pm (live)
  Saturday 11 am (repeat)
WTVP-TV, Peoria Saturday 11:30 am
WEIU-TV, Charleston Sunday 1:30 pm
WSEC-TV, Springfield Saturday 11 am
WQEC-TV, Quincy Saturday 11 am
WMEC-TV, Macomb Saturday 11 am
Lakeshore PBS, Chicago/Northwest Indiana Friday 1 pm

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