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A gas pump in Jacksonville, Fla.
Wikimedia Commons

Decatur Gauges Impact Of Gas Tax

It's been nearly a week since Decatur's 5-cent a gallon motor fuel tax, for street repairs, took effect.  The city is also is charging a extra penny for diesel fuel.  Jay Billingsley, a third-generation gas station owner, calls it a "tough pill to swallow," but says he also has many loyal customers.  Public Works Director Rick Marley says the tax is needed for "hundreds" of projects.

 In this June 9, 2015 file photo, former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert arrives at the federal courthouse in Chicago for his arraignment on federal charges in his hush-money case.
Charles Rex Arbogast, File/AssociatedPress

Hastert Lawyers Ask He Be Spared Prison In Hush-Money Case

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is asking for probation in his hush-money case. His lawyers cite the former Illinois congressman's health and say in a new court filing that he's already paid a high price. They note Hastert's "fall from grace has been swift and devastating."  The Chicago Tribune Thursday cited unidentified law enforcement sources as saying at least four people have made "credible allegations of sexual abuse.'

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