Illinois Public Media News
In-depth reporting from WILL, NPR, the Associated Press, and other sources
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WILL Newscast

Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan Says Budget Deal Is Days Away
Illinois' new governor and legislative leaders are figuring out how to deal with shortfalls in this year's budget.

Kentucky Provides Model For Rauner’s ‘Empowerment’ Zones
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner wants to create 'right-to-work zones' in Illinois. Kentucky recently began a similar experiment to allow workers to opt-out of union dues, and could offer some clues as to what to expect in Illinois.

Central High Adds Twist To ‘Mockingbird’
If you've read the book, To Kill A Mockingbird, you know it's a story that centers largely on issues of race and justice. Those are themes that continue to resonate today. So, when Champaign's Central High School decided to stage a performance of Harper Lee's novel, they added a modern twist. This weekend, students will perform two versions of the play; one with a traditional cast, the other with the races of the major characters reversed.

Caterpillar Opens New Data Analysis Lab At U Of I Research Park
University of Illinois students will make up much of the staff at Caterpillar's new Data Innovation Lab, devoted to analyzing data collected by sensors in Cat equipment.