Champaign Extends Moratorium On Video Gambling Until January

Video gaming terminals at Mike and Denise's Pizzeria in Aurora, Ill. (Jenna Dooley/WNIJ)
The city of Champaign has extended its moratorium on new video-gambling machines until Jan. 23.
The original moratorium was scheduled to expire July 18. The (Champaign) News-Gazette reports that Mayor Deb Feinen said the moratorium was enacted to give the city time to discuss additional regulations on video gambling. The city council voted Tuesday for the extension.
Deputy City Manager Matt Roeschley says there will be a city council meeting this fall to consider regulation methods.
City council member Clarissa Nickerson Fourman says one strip mall has two gambling cafes next to each other. She says she doesn't want to eliminate gambling but it's ``not doing something great for our community.''
Illinois Gaming Board data show Champaign has about 60 licensed video-gambling locations.