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Combat Vets Recreate Lincoln’s Hearse

The 1865 hearse used to carry Abraham Lincoln's body in the procession through Springfield for his funeral.

Photograph of the original hearse that carried Lincoln's body through Springfield in 1865. (Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division)Washington, D.C

Eric Hollenbeck talks about the work combat veterans in northern California have been doing on the hearse that will be used in Abraham Lincoln's funeral re-creation later this spring.

That replica of the original Lincoln funeral hearse will be at the center of events in Springfield commemorating the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's funeral processional and burial.

Work on the hearse provided a number of challenges. And in a way, it served as therapy for those working to make sense out of civilian life back home.

Rachel Otwell spoke with Hollenbeck about it for Illinois Public Radio. He's the founder of the Blue Ox Millworks in Eureka, California, and a combat vet himself: