News Local/State

Killeen: Merit-Based Raises Coming in 2017


Despite Illinois’ ongoing budget impasse, University of Illinois President Tim Killeen says there will be ‘modest’ raises for employees next year. In a mass e-mail Thursday, he said the 2-percent merit-based salary program will be in effect during February and March, applying to most academic and open-range civil service employees.

He said the only exception would be for those whose salaries are set through collective bargaining, or employees who have have had a significant pay increase.

Killeen says a competitive compensation program is essential to recruit and retain top faculty.

"Our people are among our highest priorities," he said. "We have all worked hard to steward our resources effectively in the face of decreased state funding, and that work will help us fund this program."

Killeen says administrative leaders will explain the timeline of the salary program in January.