Best of: TikToker Dilla Thomas on Chicago history
The 21st was joined by a south side native better known as "Chicago’s Neighborhood historian" who wanted to share all of Chicago’s riches and history with his 81,000 followers on TikTok.
The 21st was joined by a south side native better known as "Chicago’s Neighborhood historian" who wanted to share all of Chicago’s riches and history with his 81,000 followers on TikTok.
Chicago is known for many things: It's food, architecture, and culture, just to name a few. The 21st was joined by a south side native better known as "Chicago’s Neighborhood historian" who wanted to share all of Chicago’s riches and history with his 81,000 followers on TikTok.
This year is the centennial of America’s entry into World War I. Most stories about the war focus on the fighting overseas, but there was another struggle taking place. An American icon from Illinois helped lead that battle and, for a time, paid for it with her reputation.