Command Records
Atomic Age logo with an illustration of Command Records logo between two stereo speakers. Text reads Episode 1088 Command Records.

Command Records (1088)

Coming up, on The Atomic Age Cocktail Party, we put the spotlight on one of the most popular labels during the stereophonic era…Command Records. We’ll focus on many of their top-tier artists with a special look at the producer who was the creative force behind the label, Enoch Light.

Atomic Age logo with a illustration sound waves with a record in the center. Text reads Episode 1009 Stereophonic Action

Stereophonic Action (1009)

On The Atomic Age Cocktail Party this week, we're giving your hi-fi...and your ears...a workout with all sort of stereophonic action! Music from RCA’s Stereo Action series, Command Records, and a spotlight on Esquivel!

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