Doctor Stress

Physician Suicide; Beating The Heat; The Longest Line of Pencils in the World

Today on the 21st: We turn to doctors to help when we're sick, but who do doctors themselves turn to when facing stress and overwork? The tragedy is that suicide among physicians is more common than most people think - we discussed some of the factors leading to this. Plus, we talked about recipes to make in the heat with two Champaign chefs. Also, we talked with a group in Chillicothe who is attempting to set a world record - making the longest line of pencils in the world.

Dr. Danielle Ofri

Encore: What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine

Have you ever had a moment at work when you were so overwhelmed by how you felt, either for personal reasons or because of something that happened at work that it was hard for you to function? This hour on Focus, we'll listen back to a conversation about the intersection between human emotion, medicine and patient care with medical doctor Danielle Ofri.

Dr. Danielle Ofri

What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine

Have you ever had a moment at work when you were so overwhelmed by how you felt, either for personal reasons or because of something that happened at work that it was hard for you to function? This hour on Focus, we'll hear about the intersection between human emotion, medicine and patient care.

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