Best of: Illinois businesses slammed with biometric lawsuits
Businesses in Illinois are paying lots of money to settle class action lawsuits thanks to an Illinois law called the Biometric Information Privacy Act.
Businesses in Illinois are paying lots of money to settle class action lawsuits thanks to an Illinois law called the Biometric Information Privacy Act.
Bryton Mellott, who was arrested last July for burning an American flag and posting pictures of it on Facebook, has filed a federal lawsuit against four Urbana police officers. He wants to see Illinois' flag descreation law officially declared unconstitutional. The 22-year old Urbana resident says he burned the flag in response to the current political climate, and mass shootings, including the incident that claimed 49 lives at a gay nightclub in Orlando last summer.
A federal judge has scaled back Election Day voter registration for highly populated areas in Illinois, a decision that sides Republicans who claimed in a lawsuit that last year's extension of same-day registration is unconstitutional. Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan's move on Tuesday temporarily blocks wider same-day registration lawmakers put into effect in 2015.
Could a campaign emphasis on "law and order" derail the emerging bipartisan consensus on crime and punishment?
Gov. Bruce Rauner says he wants to get the state out of legal agreements called consent decrees. The deals are a big part of the reason the government is still operating without a budget; they also impact the lives of thousands of Illinois residents. But unless you are affected by one, you've probably never heard of them.