Unveiling the treatment inside juvenile detention centers
The Judicial branch in Illinois is allowed to exempt itself from FOIA requests, which has led agencies, such as the Juvenile Detention Centers to stay hidden.
The Judicial branch in Illinois is allowed to exempt itself from FOIA requests, which has led agencies, such as the Juvenile Detention Centers to stay hidden.
A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign graduate student and lecturer has filed a lawsuit against the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, alleging the university withheld public documents regarding faculty sexual misconduct that should have been released through public records requests.
The Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday the Illinois High School Association, which organizes sports tournaments between high schools, does not have to release internal records. The Better Government Association brought the suit.
An Illinois watchdog group takes a case against the Illinois High School Association to the state's highest court Tuesday. That’s regarding whether IHSA is subject to the state’s Freedom of Information Act.
In this week's Legal Issues in the News: Jennifer Pahre, from the University of Illinois College of Law, looks at the 50th anniversary of the Freedom of Information Act.