Why This Group Handles Grief Through Boxing
Overdose Lifeline supports families dealing with problems like alcoholism and opioid abuse. An alternative grief therapy group is helping people deal with grief in a way that’s unexpected.
Overdose Lifeline supports families dealing with problems like alcoholism and opioid abuse. An alternative grief therapy group is helping people deal with grief in a way that’s unexpected.
Losing a loved one to gun violence can cause anxiety, stress and other mental health symptoms; and simply living in an environment where violence is taking place can do the same. But experts say early intervention and support can help prevent some of those negative, long-term consequences. A new effort in east-central Illinois aims to provide near-immediate support to individuals who may be struggling.
The impressive facade of the main church at Saint Meinrad Archabbey looks like it was taken straight out of Europe. Twin steeples topped by golden crosses loom over the rural Indiana landscape. During the holiday season, it's a place of healing, as some St. Meinrad monks help people cope with their grief.
When someone dies from suicide, it’s common for their loved ones to experience shame and isolation. That's according to Dennis Cockrum, a counselor at Parkland College in Champaign who is a survivor of suicide loss himself.
On The 21st, we talked about the trauma and grief that families go through after losing a loved one to gun violence with a Danville father whose son was killed in a shooting ten years ago and a Chicago psychiatrist. Plus, we heard about the historical significance of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, where presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke today. We also talked about financial exploitation of the elderly with the director of a law clinic begun to help those very people.