Pollinators in the Garden
This hour on Focus, host Jim Meadows talked with horticulture expert Sandy Mason and University of Illinois Pollinatarium Director Lesley Deem. We welcome your lawn and garden questions today!
This hour on Focus, host Jim Meadows talked with horticulture expert Sandy Mason and University of Illinois Pollinatarium Director Lesley Deem. We welcome your lawn and garden questions today!
Guest: Adam Leith Gollner.
What if we could turn sour flavors to sweet in a single nibble? In fact, you can—all you need is one bite of the miracle fruit, an experience described by Adam Leith Gollner in his recent book The Fruit Hunters. Gollner joins the show today to talk about some of the extraordinary fruits that he has discovered around the globe, as well as the mass-produced ones that we may buy in the grocery store.