House Passes 30-Day Budget, Returns To Senate
House Democrats Thursday approved a 30-day budget, sending it back to the Senate. But Governor Bruce Rauner has been on record saying he won't sign a temporary budget, calling this one "unbalanced."
House Democrats Thursday approved a 30-day budget, sending it back to the Senate. But Governor Bruce Rauner has been on record saying he won't sign a temporary budget, calling this one "unbalanced."
Governor Bruce Rauner has told a group of state workers that a partial shutdown of Illinois government will be worth it if it brings change. Meanwhile, Democrats will consider a temporary budget to fund essential state services for a month.
The Illinois House has approved a measure that proponents say would help combat an epidemic of heroin and prescription painkiller drug abuse.
Governor Bruce Rauner's proposal to cut the state budget took a spectacular fall Wednesday in the Illinois House, as all Democrats cast 'no' votes, and all Republicans voted 'present.'
The full Illinois House spent much of Tuesday in a rare, full committee meeting focused on workers' compensation. But the chamber didn't vote on further changes to a system that's been in place since 2011.