An Illinois professor discovered a new lizard in Peru. Then a drug cartel discovered him.
Illinois Wesleyan University Professor Edgar Lehr and a team of Peruvian scientists recently discovered a previously unknown species of lizard in the Andes Mountains. But his trip was cut short when the team realized drug traffickers were nearby and had begun following their movements.
Dr. Martin Luther King At Illinois Wesleyan University
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is perhaps best known for his “I Have A Dream” speech. As inspirational as it was, many of his lesser-known speeches offer a nuanced and articulate argument against racism worldwide. In the years closer to his assassination, he also took more radical positions regarding inequality and war.

Enrollment Exodus: How Private Colleges and Universities Are Meeting Enrollment Challenges
Illinois colleges and universities have been under pressure for years from smaller graduating classes, out-of-state competition and changing demographics. Private higher education institutions in the state face the same challenges public schools do, and a couple extra.

IWU Professor Finds ‘Shocking’ Conditions At U.S. Immigration Facilities
Kathleen O’Gorman spent her summer on the front lines of America’s broken immigration system.