Crustaceans To Take Center Stage At The 37th Annual Insect Fear Film Festival
The 37th annual Insect Fear Film Festival kicks off at 6 p.m. Saturday at Foellinger Auditorium at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The 37th annual Insect Fear Film Festival kicks off at 6 p.m. Saturday at Foellinger Auditorium at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Wondering if termites are more than just pests that destroy the foundation of your home? Stop by the Insect Fear Film Festival on February 23 to learn more about these amazing creatures!
Termites will be the focus of celebration this weekend at the 36th Annual Insect Fear Film Festival in Urbana. The event kicks off at 6 pm on Saturday at Foellinger Auditorium in Urbana. It’s hosted by entomology researchers at the University of Illinois, including department head May Berenbaum.
Few people appreciate ticks the way scientists do, but everyone can enjoy films featuring them at this year's Insect Fear Film Festival on the University of Illinois campus.
The 35th annual Insect Fear Film Festival will feature ticks. The festival's founder, May Berenbaum, says even though ticks are arachnids and not insects, they chose to feature them because of their importance as disease vectors.