Democrats Push Workers Comp Reform Through Illinois Senate
Legislation aimed at reducing the cost of workers' compensation insurance for Illinois employers has won state Senate approval, but not the approval of most Republicans.
Legislation aimed at reducing the cost of workers' compensation insurance for Illinois employers has won state Senate approval, but not the approval of most Republicans.
Illinois Senators are expected to soon consider a complicated deal meant to end to Illinois’ 18-month budget standoff.
That has some legislators worried about what such a compromise would mean for the future.
After last year’s historic violence in parts of Chicago, a group of state legislators are once again pushing for tougher gun possession laws.
Illinois Democrats joined fellow party members in Philadelphia Monday for the Democratic National Convention. But state politics, not the national scene, was the focus of the delegation’s first official day of business.
It's a week into the New Year, and gyms across the country are packed with people who've vowed to get in shape. Illinois Public Radio's Statehouse Bureau Chief Amanda Vinicky had resolved to be one of them ... but admits -- already, she's fallen short. Maybe Illinois' leaders will have better luck. Vinicky asked around for their civic-minded resolutions.