Why are some people considering a four-day work week?
Though a 40-hour workweek has been the standard for many years, many have been reconsidering their ideas around how work schedules should be set up, including reducing the workweek to four days.
Though a 40-hour workweek has been the standard for many years, many have been reconsidering their ideas around how work schedules should be set up, including reducing the workweek to four days.
A recent report outlines how deeply intertwined income inequality is with the lack of internet access.
"The State of the Unions 2019", a new report being released on Labor Day, finds levels of union membership gradually declining over the past decade.
Illinois lawmakers are considering whether to legalize sports gambling. They’re still negotiating the details - -but a recent analysis shows the state could benefit from allowing the practice—sooner than later.
As big box stores continue to close, some worry Illinois isn't ready for the changing economy.