A Mozart Duo and his famous Clarinet Quintet plus a Mendelssohn Sextet tonight
Jorg Widmann is the clarinetist for the Mozart Quintet.
Jorg Widmann is the clarinetist for the Mozart Quintet.
The fourth movement of the Beethoven String Quartet No., 6 is marked "Questo pezzo si deve trattare colla più gran delicatezza" ("This piece is to be played with the greatest delicacy".)
Flutist Tara Helen O'Connor is featured in the work by Poulenc; Alisa Weilerstein in the Chopin.
Through the years Messiaen's "Quartet 'For the End of Time'" has gained a sort of 'cult status'... if you've heard the work you know why; if you've not hear it yet, please join us tonight at 7 pm for it.