Downstate communities may see migrants bussed from Texas
The City of Chicago is reaching out to other cities across Illinois for help as it deals with an influx of migrants bused in by red state governors.
The City of Chicago is reaching out to other cities across Illinois for help as it deals with an influx of migrants bused in by red state governors.
When José moved his family to the United States from Mexico nearly two decades ago, he had hopes of giving his children a better life.
After extensive discussion the last two weeks, the Urbana City Council has approved a resolution reaffirming its ‘sanctuary city’ status. The 5-to-1 vote was met with sustained applause from roughly 50 people who filled the council chambers Monday night. The measure saw changes from the prior week, including language specifying that no city employee can request information about someone's citizenship unless required by court order.
A number of U.S. ‘sanctuary cities’ like Chicago and New York vow to protect undocumented immigrants in the wake of Donald Trump’s election as president. An online petition is seeking the same for the University of Illinois’ Urbana campus. It had just under 2-thousand signatures from students, faculty and others by late Wednesday afternoon.
State Representative Bill Mitchell says the fact-checking website PolitiFact is backing up his claim of spending by the state’s All Kids program on healthcare for undocumented immigrants.