GOP Baseball Shooting: Where Do We Go From Here?; Lawsuits Over Budget Impasse; Weeds & Pets

Jeff Hulbert, of Annapolis, Md., epresses his opinion as residents of Alexandria, Va., leave a prayer service near the baseball field in Alexandria, Va., Wednesday, June 14, 2017. A rifle-wielding attacker opened fire on Republican lawmakers at a congressional baseball practice, wounding House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and several others as congressmen and aides dove for cover. Cliff Owen/AP
On the 21st: Following Wednesday's shooting, members from both sides of the aisle have sent messages of support and have called for civility in this heated political climate. We spoke with current and former politicians and a communications expert about political rhetoric, bipartisanship and what this moment means for our country. We also got the latest on an appellate court hearing in southern Illinois over state worker pay and learn about plants that can be toxic to pets.