Bike Lanes, Safety, And Equity

Reginald Hardwick/Illinois Newsroom
Sidewalks, bike lanes and side paths have long been left off of Illinois’ transportation budget, but a new law is all about to change that. The state’s now required to fully fund the cost of walking and biking infrastructure on state roads—a big difference from the 20% it's been responsible for in the past. The 21st was joined by an assistant professor of Urban and Regional Planning and the Vice President of C-U Safe Routes to School Project.
Lindsay M. Braun, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cynthia Hoyle
Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners | League Cycling Instructor | C-U Safe Routes to School, Chair | Ride Illinois Board of Directors | Adjunct Instructor Urban and Regional Planning University of Illinois
The House Transportation committee advanced two bills pertaining to @IDOT_Illinois spending in its first meeting of the 102nd General Assembly Monday, @RayTroncoso writes
— Capitol News Illinois (@CapitolNewsIL) March 1, 2021
Prepared for web by Owen Henderson
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