No More Headers For the Kids?

Yes, it's an actual bandwagon. This one is at the Ringling Circus Museum in Florida. Wikipedia Commons
Lisa Bralts and Brian Moline are back with another episode of The Bandwagon. This week, they discuss the U of I, and how the "I" stands for "interim." They also delve into the Greg Hardy domestic violence story, and the US Soccer Federation's decision to limit heading the ball in youth soccer.
Here's some reading materials that go along with this week's episode. If you're like Brian and Lisa, just listening to the podcast isn't nearly enough. They need at least one other screen of media going at the same time. Unless they're driving, of course.
Here's the Illinois Public Media story on the firing of Athletic Director Mike Thomas. Plus a reddit thread discussing his departure from the U of I.
This Deadspin article not only describes what happened in the Greg Hardy case, but it also has nearly 50 police photos of the victim in the case, so be advised that some people may find the photos disturbing.
Here's the New York Times article that Lisa mentioned during our discussion of headers in soccer. Tying headers to ALS seems a bit much to both Brian and Lisa, but what do you think?
As always, if you have a topic you'd like to hear on The Bandwagon, you can find Lisa on Twitter @LisaBralts, and Brian is @BMolineWILL. E-mail also works, as does snail mail or the telephone. Thanks for listening!