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Environmental Almanac

Weekly commentaries on the environment and appreciating the natural world, by Rob Kanter from the School of Earth, Society, and Environment at the University of Illinois.

Rob Kanter

Restoration agriculture as a path to land health

Why would a river conservation group invite a farmer to speak at its dinner? Because he’s one whose work is directed to what Aldo Leopold called “the oldest task in human history: to live on a piece of land without spoiling it.” Learn about Mark Shepard's innovative approach to promoting ecological values and growing crops for food and fuel.

Celebrating the return of wild turkeys in Illinois

Worldwide, biodiversity loss continues to be one of the worst effects of human activity. But people also capable of restoring habitat and bringing native species back to places where they had been extirpated--witness the story of wild turkeys in Illinois.

Campus action on climate change

There's a twenty-one acre solar farm sprouting on the South Farms at the University of Illinois. Read more to find out how it fits into our plan to become carbon neutral!

A cicada on a tree trunk
Rob Kanter

Annual cicadas enliven dog days with love song

Even if the summer heat has limited your time outdoors, I bet you’re still hearing a familiar insect song. It’s the mating call of dog day cicadas, loud enough to rise above the drone of air conditioners and so persistent and widespread that it's almost unmissable

Rob Kanter holding a small garter snake
Photo by Rob Kanter

A love of life—even snakes

Thanks to a friend who’s more observant than me, I recently discovered a new species of reptile in my own backyard, a plains garter snake. Maybe I should clarify by saying I mean the plains garter snake was “new” to me, not new to science or the wider world.