Ken Paulson on the First Amendment
Ken Paulson speaks about issues ranging from the importance of the First Amendment and its future, to the Steven Salaita case, to the future of journalism in the digital age.
A deeper dive into stories and topics we think you'll find interesting. Longer Listen is part of the Illinois Public Media newsroom.
Ken Paulson speaks about issues ranging from the importance of the First Amendment and its future, to the Steven Salaita case, to the future of journalism in the digital age.
On Sunday, the red carpet will be rolled out for the Academy Awards and Illinois will have a significant presence. We’ll explore those connections beginning with Helen Estabrook, Champaign-Urbana native and the producer of Whiplash could take home as many as five Academy Awards. Finding Vivian Maier is a Chicago story written and directed by a Chicagoan. It could win best documentary….and find itself in copyright trouble. We’ll cover all that and more but first in this WILL special: Illinois at the Oscars
Feburary 12th marks Abraham Lincoln's birthday, and that means Fritz Klein is in high demand. Klein has built his career out of being Abraham Lincoln. The actor stumbled into the role years ago as what was supposed to be one of many roles in his acting career, but the opportunities to portray the 16th president kept coming and soon Klein decided to relocate to springfeild and portray Lincoln full time.