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School hallway.

Illinois Issues: Rewriting The Rule Book

A law going into effect in Illinois next month will ban zero-tolerance policies in schools and turn suspension and expulsion into disciplinary options of last resort. Districts throughout the state are taking different approaches to prepare for the changes.

Graph showing Illinois' statewide video gaming machine count, 2012-2016
WNIJ & summer 2016 data visualization course, Department of Computer Science, Northern Illinois University (Mohammed Jaffer Ali)

Video Gaming Reaches New Heights In Illinois

Video gaming machines have been popping up in Illinois bars and restaurants for nearly four years. For the most part, the increase in gaming machines and in revenue across the state has been steady. There are nearly 24,000 video gaming machines in Illinois, and the amount played over the last few years is in the billions of dollars -- with a b. 

A picture of the emerald ash borer
USDA Photo Service

Emerald Ash Borer Continues Destruction

The emerald ash borer continues to devastate ash trees in Champaign and surrounding areas.  The City of Champaign has removed about one third of the ash trees on its property since the insect was first found in the city in 2006.

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