Frerichs End-Of-Year Part Two: Budget Impasse, Combining Offices, What’s Next

Illinois Treasurer Mike Frerichs (D) supports combining the treasurer and comptroller's offices. Keenan Chan / Illinois Public Media
We continue our conversation with Illinois treasurer Michael Frerichs. Today we focus on the budget impasse and other issues facing the state of Illinois. The Champaign Democrat says that right now both sides need to do more listening.
Frerichs says he supports combining the Illinois treasurer and comptroller offices. He says there are sufficient internal controls in place to prevent corruption that happened in the past.
"You need strong internal controls, but I don’t think you necessarily need to have two distinct offices," Frerichs said. "Some of the incompatible responsibilities can be delegated to the governor’s office, or the secretary of state’s office, or the auditor general’s office. You can reduce some of the overhead.”
The newly-elected comptroller, fellow Democrat Susana Mendoza, opposes combining the two offices. During her campaign she said the comptroller's office provides necessary checks and balances to the treasurer's office.
You can hear part one of Frerichs' interview with Illinois Public Media's Brian Moline here.
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