To Influence Debate Over Budget Crisis, Rauner Takes To Social Media

Gov. Bruce Rauner spent 30 minutes promoting his agenda in a Facebook video on Tuesday. Facebook
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner appeared in another Facebook Live video Tuesday. What's behind the Republican's push on social media?
Rauner sat alone at a desk, delivering a version of the same pro-business, anti-incumbent talking points he's used for nearly four years.
David Tewksbury, who studies political communications at the University of Illinois, says politicians are always trying to shape the narrative.
"Whoever frames what this issue is about is the one who's probably going to win it, at least as far as the public opinion is concerned," Tewksbury says.
Rauner wants voters to think the budget impasse is the fault of Democrats fighting to hold onto power, while Democrats say Rauner is trying to force radical changes on Illinois.
Illinois has gone more than 17 months without a real budget, though a combination of court orders and partial spending agreements have kept state government from collapsing.