Two More Measles Cases Reported In Champaign-Urbana

A young child with measles. Dave Haygarth/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District said in a news release Sunday that two more cases of measles have been reported in the area, bringing the total number of cases to four so far this year.
CUPHD said the third case was in quarantine the entire time the disease was infectious, so they don't believe it was spread to anyone else. But they said it's possible the person with the fourth case spread it to other individuals at the times and places listed below:
- Thursday 2/7, 5:30-8:30pm, Texas Roadhouse, 204 N. Country Fair Dr., Champaign.
- Sunday 2/10, 7:00-9:10pm, Save-A-Lot, 220 N. Broadway Ave., Urbana.
- Monday 2/11-Thursday 2/14, 1:00-5:30pm, Urbana Early Childhood School, 2202 E. Washington, Urbana
- Tuesday 2/12, 5:00-7:30pm, Carle Urbana on Windsor, Convenient Care, 1818 E. Windsor Road, Urbana
The health district has added two hours to the time after the person left the above locations because the virus can remain infectious in the air for up to two hours. They are working with Urbana Early Childhood and Carle to identify people who possibly came into contact with the measles virus.
If you or anyone you know was at the above locations, CUPHD asks that you call them or your healthcare provider for guidance. If you or anyone you know shows measles symptoms (fever, rash, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes), they say you should call your healthcare provider to talk about possible testing before going to a clinic location.
The health district said people with the highest risk of contracting measles are those who are not vaccinated. Julie Pryde, CUPHD Administrator, said those who aren't vaccinated should contact their healthcare provider to get the vaccine as soon as possible.
"A single dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles," said Pryde in a news release. “There is plenty of MMR vaccine available in our community. CUPHD is working closely with the Illinois Department of Public Health, Carle, Christie, OSF Hospital and the Urbana School District to limit the spread of measles in our community.”
More information on measles is available at the Illinois Department of Public Health website.