
Portrait photo of Danish composer Carl Nielsen By Georg Lindstrøm 1866-1923Restored by Adam Cuerden - Historic Dage: Article from August 19, 2014 entitled "Til København med Carl Nielsen og H.C. Andersen", Public Domain,
On this week's Prairie Performances, Friday night at 7 pm on WILL-FM 90.9: Life, ever growing, ever expanding, life seeking life. That is the inspiration behind Carl Nielsen’s 4th Symphony. He called it “Inextinguishable.” Hear this and other life-transforming works with the Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, led by Stephen Alltop.
Inextinguishable (3/8/14)
Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra
Stephen Alltop, conductor
Igor Kalnin, violin
Russell Peck | Signs of Life
V-Williams |The Lark Ascending
Igor Kalnin, violin
Wagner | Prelude and Liebestod
Nielsen | Sym #4 Inextinguishable