Better Trade, More Jobs Promised By Trump At B-N Stop
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump campaigned in Bloomington-Normal Sunday, attracting supporters and protestors, but no major disruptions.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump campaigned in Bloomington-Normal Sunday, attracting supporters and protestors, but no major disruptions.
Donald Trump cancelled a rally Friday at the University of Illinois' Chicago campus, saying he didn't want anyone to get hurt after protesters packed the arena. Protesters celebrated, chanting "We stopped Trump!"
The Democratic presidential candidate spoke Friday at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, where the primarily student audience packed a 4,000-seat campus basketball arena. Sanders touched on familiar campaign themes, calling for campaign finance reform, marijuana decriminalization and increased corporate taxes.
Ari Shapiro and Audie Cornish host.
Iconic journalist Bob Woodward, in town to deliver the first New Lincoln Lecture series at the University of Illinois's College of Law, talks about Lincoln, the 2016 Presidential Race and Illinois's Budget Stalemate.