Amanda Vinicky
Portrait of Amanda Vinicky

Year-End: No Year Quite Like 2015 In Illinois

A new governor.  A long-time House speaker.  Court-ordered state spending.  It all adds up to a year unlike any other in the state of Illinois' history.  Illinois Public Media's Brian Moline talks about 2015 in state politics with Statehouse Bureau Chief Amanda Vinicky.

Democratic Illinois Senator Dick Durbin.
Amanda Vinicky/IPR

Durbin’s Lead On Iran Deal Sparks Rumors: What’s Next For Illinois’ Senior U.S. Senator?

Illinois' junior, Republican Senator Mark Kirk -- opposes the nuclear deal with Iran. But the state's senior U.S. Senator Democrat Dick Durbin, has been key in sheparding it through Congress. That's provided grist for the D.C. rumor mill. Durbin is the Senate Democrats' No. 2, what's known as the minority whip. A job at which Durbin excelled when it came to the nuclear agreement. 

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