Chicago Police Department
A police line erected in Chicago.
Sarah / Flickr

Illinois Issues: Chicago Mayors Have History Of Axing Top Cops Instead Of Cleaning Up System

After video of a white Chicago police officer shooting a black teenager 16 times was released to the public, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel became the focus of intense backlash. He responded by firing Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. In many ways this was history repeating in a city that has had twice as many police chiefs than it’s had mayors in the past six decades — and more than its share of police scandals.  

Protesters march during a demonstration for 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2015, in Chicago.
Paul Beaty/AP

Writer Tells How He Broke The Laquan McDonald Story

Chicago writer Jamie Kalven focuses on patterns of police abuse and impunity in Chicago. He heard about an attempted cover-up of the details in the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old wielding a knife.  Officer Jason Van Dyke, who is white, shot Laquan McDonald, a black youth, 16 times in 14 seconds.

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