Collectors Corner With Henry Fogel

Music of Tchaikovsky, Strauss and others on a new week of “Evening Concert” programs

This week on the “Evening Concert” on FM 90.9 you’ll hear Tchaikovsky’s “1st Piano Concerto” from New York, Strauss’  “Ein Heldenleben” from Chicago, Mahler’s “4th Symphony” from Cleveland, Bruckner’s “3rd Symphony” on “Collectors’ Corner”, then Sunday, Sibelius’ “Dissonance” Quartet from Lincoln Center and an episode of “Early Music Now”.


The “Evening Concert” programs this week include music by Mozart, Mahler and others.

This week on the “Evening Concert” on FM 90.9 you’ll hear Berlioz’s “Symphonie fantastique” from New York, Mozart’s “Sinfonia concertante” from Chicago, Mahler’s “5th Symphony” from Cleveland, music of Leonard Bernstein on “Collectors’ Corner”, then Sunday, Mozart’s “Dissonance” Quartet from Lincoln Center and an episode of “Early Music Now”.

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