Illinois mayoral election series: Champaign
We continued our series looking at the issues and candidates in mayoral races across Illinois, and our next stop was Champaign.
We continued our series looking at the issues and candidates in mayoral races across Illinois, and our next stop was Champaign.
The candidates running for mayor of Champaign in the April 4, 2023 election gathered for a one-hour forum.
Top Champaign officials had met with concerned citizens about the conduct of former police officer Matt Rush as far back as 2012 – well before four incidents that led to excessive force lawsuits, new documents filed in court Wednesday show.
For employees and regular customers, the closure of That's Rentertainment means the loss of a social outlet, and something that can't be recreated through online streaming of material, or even a Facebook page. Champaign-Urbana's last locally owned video store closes Sunday.
City of Champaign Township officials say they need larger facilities that are more accessible to people with disabilities, and that there have been inquiries about their office buildings from potential buyers.