Best of: Hip hop’s history throughout Illinois and America
Hip-hop is just a few decades old, but its cultural impact in Illinois and America at large is unquestionable.
Hip-hop is just a few decades old, but its cultural impact in Illinois and America at large is unquestionable.
Hip-hop is just a few decades old, but its cultural impact in Illinois and America at large is unquestionable.
Hip-hop is just a few decades old, but its cultural impact in Illinois and America at large is unquestionable.
Hip hop has long been a part of popular American culture, yet when it comes to being perceived as legitimate by prestigious institutions, it is often left behind. The 21st spoke with two music educators from universities in Illinois about the push to legitimize hip hop in academia.
Urbana-based hip-hop artist Klevah shares her passion for music, peforming, and activism.