Dvorak’s “Legends for Orchestra” and Prokofiev’s 3rd Piano Concerto from San Francisco
Eastern European composers are featured... dance, drama, and Gypsy flair!
Eastern European composers are featured... dance, drama, and Gypsy flair!
Unscientifically so, many people prefer music in minor keys because it has a stronger emotional effect on them. Tune in tonight to test the hypothesis!
Tonight's San Francisco Symphony program is a "travelogue": France, England, Russia, Scotland....
Emanuel Ax plays Beethoven's 'autograph' cadenza in the first-movement, although Beethoven surely improvised the cadenza at it's premiere.
It's "Seven Degrees of Gil Shaham"....Gil was born in Urbana, and returns here Thursday night April 23rd at Krannert Center for a Bach recital: tonight, it's Prokofiev's 2nd VIolin Concerto.