Dem Candidates In Lockstep At Justice Forum
Five of the six Democrats running for governor were in Peoria over the Martin Luther King Day weekend. They were making largely similar cases to voters at a forum on criminal and economic justice.
Five of the six Democrats running for governor were in Peoria over the Martin Luther King Day weekend. They were making largely similar cases to voters at a forum on criminal and economic justice.
Even though the primary election is over three months away, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful J.B. Pritzker has already notched a win. Pritzker was selected to be first on the primary ballot among the seven candidates running.
Four candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for governor told an audience at the University of Illinois Urbana campus Monday night that they wanted more funding for higher education, with three of the candidates saying they supported free tuition at state universities and community colleges.
A majority of the Democratic candidates running for Illinois governor took the stage during a forum Tuesday at Northern Illinois University. The five Democrats had a common target for much of the evening: Incumbent Republican Governor Bruce Rauner.
Current Champaign County NAACP President and former Champaign County Board Chair Patricia Avery announced her candidacy for Illinois Lieutenant Governor Thursday, running with Democratic candidate for governor Tio Hardiman.