Appreciating an adaptable urban carnivore
While the population of red foxes has recently declined in rural parts of east central Illinois, the same foxes have thrived in urban areas, where predators are scarce and prey is more abundant
While the population of red foxes has recently declined in rural parts of east central Illinois, the same foxes have thrived in urban areas, where predators are scarce and prey is more abundant
What can a mob of angry crows tell you? Come along and find out!
You have to repel the wildlife just to GET the tomatoes these days.
What might a muskrat be doing in an urban park, just blocks from the center of town? Muskrats occupy a wide variety of aquatic and wetland habitats, including slow moving creeks near cities and towns.
Summer means traveling and the opportunity to see wildlife in other places, but looking around one's own hometown can yield a surprising diversity of animals