Urbana City Council Hears Task Force Report On Traffic Stops
Urbana council members say they're ready to enact some of the recommendations made in a report finding racial disparities in traffic stops by Urbana police.
Urbana council members say they're ready to enact some of the recommendations made in a report finding racial disparities in traffic stops by Urbana police.
Urbana Mayor Laurel Prussing will go before the METCAD 911 Policy Board later this month with hopes of spreading out the city's payment, just as the city did in 2014. An ordinance to pay the $94,000 due fell two votes shy of passage at the Urbana City Council Monday night.
Mayor Laurel Prussing says the two-week deferral called for by two opponents of the measure will give her more time to negotiate a longer payment schedule to cover a sharp increase in Urbana's fee for the 911 dispatch service provided by METCAD.
The Urbana City Council and the Forsyth Village Board are the 9th and 10th local governments to approve the agreement with the Clinton Landfill that would restrict its intake of PCB and manufactured gas plant waste, and stop legal action by the 14-government coalition.
The Piatt County Board, Normal Town Council and the Decatur City Council all voted this week to approve a consent decree meant to keep future hazardous waste out of the Clinton Landfill. But local officials in Urbana, Forsyth and Champaign County delayed their decision.