Rock vs Jock! Hot Stove! Longreads!

Hey, another bandwagon! Wikipedia Commons
In the last Bandwagon episode of 2015 (tear), Brian and Lisa discuss whether "rock vs. jock" still applies, the baseball "hot stove league," and a few articles that caught their eyes this week.
In at least one sign that the "rock vs. jock" barriers are being broken down, ESPN the Magazine did a fun issue a while back where athletes re-created famous album covers.
Social media has had a big impact on the baseball "hot stove league" season. Here's an entire website dedicated to covering such things.
Sports Illustrated has selected tennis star Serena Williams as its "Sportsperson of the Year." You'll get no argument from us.
This article from retired NHL player Patrick O'Sullivan detailing the abuse he faced as a child grabs you from the opening sentence and never lets up.
Finally, see why Australian sprinter Peter Norman was ostracized in his home country for so long, and why he's finally being recognized for the hero he was.
If you have any suggestions or other feedback, hit us up via e-mail or on Twitter @BMolineWILL and @LisaBralts. Thanks for listening, and we'll talk to you again in 2016!