Past Due: Can Illinois Run Out Of Money?
The state's inability to cover its expenses has some asking the question: Will Illinois run out of money?
The state's inability to cover its expenses has some asking the question: Will Illinois run out of money?
Rauner's letter says the summit will be streamed-live online, and open to the press. So whatever the governor and the legislative leaders do -- or don't do -- at that long-awaited meeting, will be on full, public display.
After the state eliminated a grant that supports psychiatric care, providers worry patients may be cut off from medication and other treatment.
Rauner's moving forward with rule changes that drastically reduce -- by 90 percent -- who's eligible, by lowering the income threshold. A new parent trying to get child care assistance will find she makes too much money, if she's working 40 hours a week at a minimum wage job.
Anyone lucky enough to win $25,000 or more playing the Illinois Lottery is waiting for their money – officials say without a state budget, there's no way to pay. Hence, the lawsuit.